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IPBES Chapter 4 Literature Review Literature

This repository contains the bibliography files as used in the Systematic literature review in Chapter 4 of the IPBES Global Assessment.

The bibliographies are saved as .bib files.

The bibliographies are linked as followed:

In addition, the following bibliographies are available:

All are available in the data directory in the repository or in the data deposit on Zenodo.

Search and identification of relevant literature

To identify the literature for the review, a three stage approach was used:

  1. Literature search for original research articles (not reviews) using WoS [@ref] and Scopus [@ref] with following merging and removal of duplicates
  2. Extraction of relevant papers using the citations in by the authors selected review papers and adding the missing articles
  3. Supplementing reference list by using expert opinion to identify missing papers (“key paper”)

Literature was limited to paper not older than 2008 and not newer than 2017.

Search term WoS

    "Global*" AND
      "Future impact*" OR
      "Future effect*" OR
      "Future response*" OR
      "projecti*" OR
      "forecast*" OR
    ) AND (
      "species" OR
      "biological" OR
      "ecological" OR
      "nature" OR
      "biodiversity" OR
      "natural resource*" OR
      "organism*" OR
      "ecosystem*" OR
      "ecological service*" OR
   ) AND
    "Agriculture" OR
    "Biodiversity & Conservation" OR
    "Biophysics" OR
    "Entomology" OR
    "Environmental Sciences & Ecology" OR
    "Fisheries" OR
    "Forestry" OR
    "Marine & Freshwater Biology" OR
    "Plant Sciences" OR

Search for Scopus

                ("global") AND
                  "Future impact*" OR
                  "Future effect*" OR
                  "Future response*" OR
                  "projecti*"  OR
                  "forecast*"  OR
                ) AND
                  "species" OR
                  "biological" OR
                  "ecological" OR
                  "nature" OR
                  "biodiversity" OR
                  "natural resource*" OR
                  "organism*" OR
                  "ecosystem*" OR
                  "ecological service*" OR
              ) AND
          "agri" OR
          "envi"  OR
          "soci"  OR
         ) AND
DOCTYPE ( "ar" )

  1. Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, University of Zürich, Switzerland↩︎

  2. Affiliation↩︎

  3. PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, The Hague, Netherlands↩︎

  4. KIT/IMK-IFU, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany↩︎

  5. Biodiversity Conservation Center, Moscow, Russia↩︎

  6. Université Paris Saclay, Orsay Cedex, France↩︎

  7. Laboratoire d’Ecologie Alpine, CNRS - Université Grenoble Alps, Grenoble, France↩︎

  8. Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), Leioa, Spain↩︎

  9. Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), Université de Montpellier, CNRS, Montpellier France↩︎