class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # The emeScheme - an Introduction ## What is it?
What is it for?
Why do we need it?
### Rainer M Krug ### Group Seminar 18/12/2018
(updated: 2018-12-17) --- class: inverse, center, middle, animated, fadeIn <style type="text/css"> /* custom.css */ .title-slide.remark-slide-content:before{ position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; content:url(; height:60px; } .left-code { color: #777; width: 38%; height: 92%; float: left; } .right-plot { width: 60%; float: right; padding-left: 1%; } .plot-callout { height: 225px; width: 450px; bottom: 5%; right: 5%; position: absolute; padding: 0px; z-index: 100; } .plot-callout img { width: 100%; border: 4px solid #23373B; } .middle-text { color: #777; width: 30%; height: 100%; float: middle; } .left-text { color: #777; width: 30%; height: 100%; float: left; } .right-text { color: #777; width: 30%; height: 100%; float: right; } .scroll { background: #FFBB33; width: 100%; height: 80%; overflow-x: scroll; overflow-y: scroll; padding-right: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px; } .dt { font-size: 11px; } </style> # What is the emeScheme? --- class: left, top, animated, fadeIn ## What is it? - metadata **Scheme** - for **E**cological **M**icrocosm **E**xperiments -- <html><div style='float:left'></div><hr color='#EB811B' size=1px width=796px></html> ## What does this metada scheme do? - standardised structure - standardised terminology / property names - to describe the an Ecological Microcosm Experiment -- <html><div style='float:left'></div><hr color='#EB811B' size=1px width=796px></html> ## What is the metadata? - Materials - Conditions / Manipulations - Measuring - Data conversions --- class: inverse, center, middle, animated, fadeIn # Why do we need it? --- class: animated, fadeIn ## Data Life Cylce .center[ <img src="figs/data_life_cycle_1.svg" width="600"> ] Adapted from ??? - **Plan**: description of the data that will becompiled, and how the data will be managed and made accessible throughout its lifetime - **Collect**: observations are made either by hand or with sensors or other instruments and the data are placed a into digital form - **Assure**: the quality of the data are assured through checks and inspections - **Analyze**: data are analyzed <html><div style='float:left'></div><hr color='#EB811B' size=1px width=796px></html> - **Preserve**: data are submitted to an appropriate long-term archive (i.e. data center) - **Discover**: potentially useful data are located and obtained, along with the relevant information about the data - **Integrate**: data from disparate sources are combined to form one homogeneous set of data that can be readily analyzed - **Describe**: data are accurately and thoroughly described using the appropriate metadata standards (metadata) --- class: animated, fadeIn ## Data Life Cylce .center[ <img src="figs/data_life_cycle_2.svg" width="600"> ] Adapted from ??? - **Plan**: description of the data that will becompiled, and how the data will be managed and made accessible throughout its lifetime - **Collect**: observations are made either by hand or with sensors or other instruments and the data are placed a into digital form - **Assure**: the quality of the data are assured through checks and inspections - **Describe**: data are accurately and thoroughly described using the appropriate metadata standards - **Preserve**: data are submitted to an appropriate long-term archive (i.e. data center) - **Discover**: potentially useful data are located and obtained, along with the relevant information about the data (metadata) - **Integrate**: data from disparate sources are combined to form one homogeneous set of data that can be readily analyzed - **Analyze**: data are analyzed --- class: left, top, animated, fadeIn ## Why do we want this? - Data should be archived - Data should be findable - Data is Re-usable - We can re-use other data -- - Data should not disappear -- <html><div style='float:left'></div><hr color='#EB811B' size=1px width=796px></html> - Data should be FAIR --- class: animated, fadeIn ## What is FAIR? - **F**indable - **A**ccessible - **I**nteroperable - **R**e-usable See []( for a detailed description. ??? - To be Findable: - F1. (meta)data are assigned a globally unique and eternally persistent identifier. - F2. data are described with rich metadata. - F3. (meta)data are registered or indexed in a searchable resource. - F4. metadata specify the data identifier. - TO BE ACCESSIBLE: - A1 (meta)data are retrievable by their identifier using a standardized communications protocol. - A1.1 the protocol is open, free, and universally implementable. - A1.2 the protocol allows for an authentication and authorization procedure, where necessary. - A2 metadata are accessible, even when the data are no longer available. - TO BE INTEROPERABLE: - I1. (meta)data use a formal, accessible, shared, and broadly applicable language for knowledge representation. - I2. (meta)data use vocabularies that follow FAIR principles. - I3. (meta)data include qualified references to other (meta)data. - TO BE RE-USABLE: - R1. meta(data) have a plurality of accurate and relevant attributes. - R1.1. (meta)data are released with a clear and accessible data usage license. - R1.2. (meta)data are associated with their provenance. - R1.3. (meta)data meet domain-relevant community standards. --- class: inverse, center, middle, animated, fadeIn # We need the emeScheme! --- class: animated, fadeIn background-image: url(figs/data_layout_1.svg) background-position: center background-size: contain -- .left-text[ ## Data Levels - Raw Data - videos - images - count data from manual count - Extracted data - bemovi - extracted size distributions - extracted count / density data ] --- class: animated, fadeIn background-image: url(figs/data_layout_2.svg) background-position: center background-size: contain .right-text[ ## Metadata levels - Experiment ] --- class: animated, fadeIn background-image: url(figs/data_layout_3.svg) background-position: center background-size: contain .right-text[ ## Metadata levels - Experiment - Treatment ] --- class: animated, fadeIn background-image: url(figs/data_layout_4.svg) background-position: center background-size: contain .right-text[ ## Metadata levels - Experiment - Treatment - Sampling ] --- class: animated, fadeIn background-image: url(figs/data_layout_5.svg) background-position: center background-size: contain .right-text[ ## Metadata levels - Experiment - Treatment - Sampling - Measurement <span>⇒</span> **Raw Data** ] --- class: animated, fadeIn background-image: url(figs/data_layout_6.svg) background-position: center background-size: contain .right-text[ ## Metadata levels - Experiment - Treatment - Sampling - Measurement <span>⇒</span> **Raw Data** - Data DataExtraction <span>⇒</span> **Extracted Data** ] --- class: animated, fadeIn background-image: url(figs/data_layout_6.svg) background-position: center background-size: contain .left-text[ ## Data Levels - Raw Data - videos - images - count data from manual count - Extracted data - bemovi - extracted size distributions - extracted count / density data ] .right-text[ ## Metadata levels - Experiment - Treatment - Sampling - Measurement <span>⇒</span> **Raw Data** - Data DataExtraction <span>⇒</span> **Extracted Data** ] --- class: animated, fadeIn .dt[
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] --- class: animated, fadeIn background-image: url(figs/data_layout_6.svg) background-position: center background-size: contain .left-text[ ## Data Levels - Raw Data - videos - images - count data from manual count - Extracted data - bemovi - extracted size distributions - extracted count / density data ] .right-text[ ## Metadata levels - Experiment - Treatment - Sampling - Measurement <span>⇒</span> **Raw Data** - Data DataExtraction <span>⇒</span> **Extracted Data** ] --- class: animated, fadeIn, center, middle **Website** of the **emeScheme**: []( <!-- --> **Presentation** at: []( <!-- --> [](